Fluensys | POPELIM
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Research and Development of Methods for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Elimination

General Info

Project financed by UEFISCDI – Innovation Program – European Cooperation Eureka – Eurostars
Acronym: POPELIM


CO Czech Republic: DEKONTA, a.s.
CO Romania: S.C. DFR SYSTEMS S.R.L.,
P1: The National Institute of Research and Development for Industrial Ecology – ECOIND


Project Coordinator: DFR Systems SRL
Project Manager: CSIII E Gabriel Petrescu
Implementation term: 06/16/2010 – 11/30/2012


Phase 1: Extract from the Technical Report no. 1
Phase 2: Extract from the Technical Report no. 2
Phase 3: Extract from the Technical Report no. 3

Useful Links

Eureka Program – http://www.eurekanetwork.org/
UEFISCDI — http://uefiscdi.gov.ro/

Project Objective and Purpose

The aim of the project is to research and implement technologies for decontamination of soils polluted with POPs, researches that will be finalised with an innovative technology with high efficiency for soil remediation.

Measurable Objectives

The specific objectives of the project are meant to solve the problems of soil contamination with POPs:

  • Identification and physico-chemical and biological characterisation of POPs contaminated soil sites;
  • Assessment of technical and economic possibilities of POPs contaminated soil remediation;
  • Selecting the optimum soil remediation technology;
  • Pilot implementation for the proposed technology.

Chemical industry through its products represents a vital contribution to raising the living standard of human society. Chemicals and energy substances, agricultural fertilizers, food preservatives and many others, besides the beneficial effect bring great harm to the environment and human health. Scientists have alarmed policymakers in countries around the world on some persistent, resistant to natural degradation, which have destructive influences on the bios and in particular on the human – persistent organic pollutants, POPs. They have cumulative long-term effects. POPs operates on vital organs, reproduction, the immune system and are carcinogenic.

POPs have major effects on populations, particularly penetrating into the body through contaminated food chain through milk (including breast, fish, meat, fruit, etc.). These products have a marked tendency to penetrate the cell membrane and to be stored in adipose tissue. Because of its lipotropic fits into the central nervous system, the liver, kidneys and myocardium. In these organs POPs cause disruption of enzyme systems. These substances are not soluble in water, are carried by wind or water courses through the seas and oceans across national boundaries and is a matter of protecting the local, regional and cross-border. Solving POPs prolems by prohibiting the manufacture and deposits destruction is a global problem.

For eliminating the 12 dangerous compounds (aldrin, dieldrin, DDT, heptachlor, mirex, chlordane, taxofen, endrin, hexaclorbenzolul, BPC, diaxin, furan) was developed the International Convention at Stockholm held on the 23th of May 2001, that was signed and ratified by 50 governments. It is imperative that the citizens of all countries to be aware and to participate to the destruction of these substances.

Use of DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) was banned in industrialized countries since 1970 and since 2004 has been forbidden to use globally. DDD (dichloro-diphenyl-dichloroethane) and DDE (dichloro-diphenyl-dicloretena) are its main metabolites. Depending on the conditions of biodegradability can be eliminated the chloral component of DDT (reducing environment) to DDD, which can be metabolized in certain circumstances to DBP, readily biodegradable (diclorbenzofenona) which is very hard to be degraded. In aerobic conditions DDT is converted to DDE and is more persistent in the environment than the initial product.

Because of these issues, specific technologies have been developed to remove POPs from water and soil sites.

Project Value

Total value: 540.038 lei
Non-refundable funds: 268.519 lei


Technology for soil decontamination
Articles/papers published and participations at national/international conferences:

  1. Zidkova L., Bumbac C., Cosma C., Degradation of HCH isomers, DDT and their degradation intermediates in highly contaminated soil, book of proceedings, 96-101, ISBN 978-80-7080-825-2, 5th International Symposium on Biosorpion and Bioremediation, 2012 Praga, Czech Republic;
  2. Ștefănescu, M., Bumbac, C., Cosma, C., Zídková, L., Physical-chemical remediation of CH and DDX polluted soils in Romania – ZVI technology, Sino-European Symposium on Environment and Health (SESEH), 2012, Irlanda;
  3. Bumbac, C., Zídková, L., Dobre, D., Cosma, C. Enhanced bioremediation of soils polluted with persistent organic pollutants, Sino-European Symposium on Environment and health (SESEH), 2012, Irlanda;
  4. Špačková, R., Bumbac, C., Filipová, A., Zídková, L., Najmanová, P., Cajthaml, T., In-situ chemickáredukce a jejímodifikacepřieliminacichloro- a nitro- loučeninzeživotníhoprostředí, Konferenciu “Znečistenéúzemina, BánskáŠtiavnica 2011”;
  5. Dobre, D., Pena Leonte, E., Bumbac, C., Florescu, S.I., Bioremediation of Soil Polluted with POPs (HCH Isomers and DDX) – Results Of Laboratory Trials, SIMI 2011 – International Symposium „Environment and Industry”, 16 – 18.11, 2011, Bucharest;
  6. Ștefănescu, M., Dobre, D., Bumbac, C., Cosma, C., Florescu, S., Pena-Leonte, E., Gheorghe, S., Grecu, I., Environmental Site Assessment: Evaluation of Contaminated Soil Pollution Based on Physical-Chemical and Microbiological Analyses, SIMI 2011 – International Symposium „Environment and Industry”, 16 – 18.11, 2011, Bucharest.
  7. Zídková, L., Bumbac, C., Cosma, C.: Degradace chlorovaných pesticidů v zemině aplikací ZVI, ACTA ENVIRONMENTALICA UNIVERSITATIS COMENIANAE, vol.20 (1), 2012, 149-156.

Patent request no. 00911/29.11.2012 — „Procedeu combinat chimic si biologic de remediere a solurilor poluate cu pesticide organoclorurate” (Combined chemical and biological procedure for decontamination of soils polluted with pesticides)